History of Late Night TV
More Photos from Johnny's Tonight Show (click to enlarge)

1960's era shot of Johnny in the New York studio.

Carson's Burbank studio, 10,591 square feet.

Carson's Burbank studio, 10,591 square feet.

1960's, NY studio, Johnny bows to the camera.

Ed McMahon, 1960's-era commercial shoot

Johnny's view from the desk in his NY studio, 1962-1972. The Burbank studio was much larger.

Johnny had cue cards lined up in front of him for the monologue. This is the Burbank studio, which he used from 1972-1992.

15th anniversary, 1977, Burbank, California.

Johnny visited Don Rickles on the set of his TV show, "CPO Sharkey". The 2 shows shot in the same building in Burbank, California.

Johnny in the Burbank studio.

Full lineup of every Tonight Show host, even those who only hosted for a short time.

NBC studios, 3000 West Alameda in Burbank, California. This was the home of Johnny's show from 1972-1992.
Special thanks goes out to "Eyes of a Generation" for these photos. It is the ultimate site for fans of TV. Check out their website: http://www.eyesofageneration.com/ and they also have a Facebook page.